What’s So Great About This Site?
What’s So Great About This Site?
My brother and I have been in the roofing industry for a long time. We’ve seen it from all angles. We know the good parts of it and the bad, the strengths and the weaknesses.
We launched America’s Roofing Directory to address one of the weaknesses—to fill a gap that we saw in the industry.
What gap?
The connection gap.
No Central Place to Meet Other Roofing Professionals
My brother and I saw that there wasn’t any central place where roofing professionals could connect and find what they needed by category and location.
- Roofing companies looking for crew members
- Roofers looking for roofing companies
- Public adjusters looking for clients
- Roofers with equipment to sell
- Roofing companies looking for dump trailer rentals
- Roofing companies looking for canvassers
Our Solution: A Roofing Directory Site
It became obvious to us that what the roofing industry needed was its own directory site, like an Angie’s List, Thumbtack or Home Advisor, but a site dedicated to roofing. The industry needed one place for all the different types of roofing professionals to find each other.
And not just to find each other, but to find each other by location. If you operate a roofing company in Nashville, you need roofing crews from Nashville, not Atlanta. You want to track down used ladders locally, not out of state.
So, searching for crews, companies, and equipment by geographic location had to be a function of whatever site we built.
Which Brings Us to Now
We saw the gap, we brainstormed ideas, and we built this site.
Our vision is that America’s Roofing Directory becomes the biggest online gathering place on earth for roofing professionals. People from every aspect of the industry can connect here and be found by customers all over North and South America.
We see this site as the #1 search engine for the roofing industry.
What About You?
If you’re reading this, you’re probably a member of the roofing industry. So, welcome to America’s Roofing Directory.
I invite you to join the site.
Start an account by creating your profile. That part is free. When you’re ready, create your listing. There’s a low, affordable fee for that. We’ve got monthly subscriptions available for single listings and listing packages.
Not super tech savvy? Don’t worry. We’ve got plenty of tutorial videos to show you how to navigate the site, find people, create listings, etc.
This site is for you. Join now.
Get found and get chosen!
Roofers get found and get chosen (America's Roofing Crews)